Community Outreach
NWA STEMposium
180 people impacted
At this Saturday STEAM event that we participate in every year in our area, we give kids of all ages the opportunity to drive our robot as well as learn how it operates and all about the organization we are a part of, FIRST.
First Church Fall Festival
75 people impacted
This event was non-robotics-related, but instead, a volunteer event. Our team ran games for children at a local church's fall festival, providing recognition for our team and FIRST in the process.
Turnbow Elementary STEAM Night
600 people impacted
At this large elementary school event, kids from the area and those who attended the school came by our booth and played around on our robot, trying to score cones on poles (as a part of 2022-2023's game) and asked us questions about robotics.
Ongoing Weekly
Monitor Elementary Lego Robotics Program
40 people impacted weekly
Several of our team members teach an after-school program once a week at an elementary school. This class involves learning how to build robots out of LEGOs. Since this is an ongoing event, these kids are building up knowledge about engineering and robotics, and have been inspired to join teams.